

We offer a low cost to vendors to allow local vendors to afford the market. That doesn’t cover the cost of tents, insurance, entertainment, and city fees. We’re asking anyone who is able to donate–every little bit counts. Anyone who donates $25 or more can “name a penguin,” and the penguin names will be displayed at the event–add the name or message when prompted. We’ll even choose one to be the official name of our spokes-penguin, so donate before November 1 to enter your name!

Donations can be made with any major credit card or Paypal with the button below. 

Donations are made through DIY Lowell’s fiscal agent, Coalition for a Better Acre, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to resident empowerment and sustainable community revitalization for current and future residents of Lowell and the Merrimack Valley, is DIY Lowell’s “fiscal agent.” They accept donations on our behalf and oversee disbursement of funds for DIY Lowell’s expenses. This way you know your donation is going toward the Yuletide Market!

Donations count towards Community Investment Tax Credit (CITC) program. Donations of $1,000 or more to CBA (including for DIY Lowell/Yuletide Market) are eligible to receive 50% of the amount of the donation back as a state tax credit. For questions or more information about CITC, contact


Do-it-Yourself (DIY) Lowell excited to announce a new holiday special event: The Lowell Yuletide Market. This market will take place on Saturday, November 30 and Sunday, December 1, bringing together regional vendors selling unique goods, entertainment by local performers, hot chocolate, cozy lighting, and more. It will be the place not just for gift-buying, but also for sharing holiday spirit, bringing celebratory light to the shortest days of the year.

We anticipate more than 1,000 attendees visiting 24 local and regional vendors at the event, but more importantly, we hope to reignite an old tradition: shopping downtown for holiday gifts. Our goal is to grow the event year-to-year to become a wintertime anchor, attracting visitors to nearby downtown businesses. We hope that you’ll partner with us at the “ground floor” of this new event through a sponsorship.

All funds would go toward the event, such as tents, permits, and performances. Furthermore, DIY Lowell projects are led by volunteer teams of community members brought together purely by their passion and enthusiasm. DIY Lowell provides encouragement and technical support, building participants’ skills and confidence. In this way, your sponsorship not only supports an event, but empowers future community leaders.

We kindly ask that you confirm your sponsorship by November 25 to be included in the event. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at, and please visit for more information. Thank you for considering this opportunity to support our community. We look forward to the possibility of partnering with you!